„Jede Nacht hat ihre Sterne, Jedes Dunkel hat sein Licht, in jeder Düsternis schimmert eine Kerze wenn du sie anzündest“. Unbekannt

You, on location
Unposed & Instant Portrait
Under Spotlight
Narrative Photography
Starting Project "Bijou, Bijoux" - Check it out here!
"Freundschaft unter Licht" Portrait in studio, 2024
"Persian Mystery - فرزانه، راز ایران" Portrait in studio, 2024
Photo Story "Der Mann mit dem Hut" Berlin, 2024

Call for Participants!!!

Project: « Bijoux, Bijoux »  Explore the invisible link between personality and jewelry.

If you never go out without wearing your favorite piece of jewelry or you feel naked without it. You are the perfect one for the project! Just get touch here or over the contact page!

You have fun at photo shooting and you want to show the world who you are? Get in touch! 

No commercial offer, nothing to pay but a lot to share!

A gentlemen agreement (Model release) based on T.F.P.* is good enough to start.

*T.F.P : „Time for pictures“ Austausch von Zeit gegen Fotos.

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